Case Study, Senior Project, Concept/Prototype

Peep - Web Store Reviews



In today’s age of fast fashion, online shoppers are oftentimes overwhelmed by the number of web stores available to shop from. When users shop from these sites, they can run into a multitude of problems such as delayed shipping, inaccurate sizing, unexpected material quality, poor customer service, etc.

The Peep app helps user identify quality, trustworthy web stores to shop from, eliminating unnecessary headaches and improving the online shopping experience.

My Role.


As a requirement to complete the Digital Arts & Sciences program at the University of Florida, students must complete a semester-long solo senior project. The app concept and prototype for the Peep app was the direction I chose to take for this project. This project entailed creating brand guidelines, conducting extensive user research resulting in profiles and journeys, ideating potential solutions, mocking high and low fidelity designs, validating conclusions, and marketing the product.

Tools used: Adobe XD, Photoshop, Illustrator



With the intention of simplifying the online shopping process, I came up with 4 main pages and tools for users to find quality web stores to shop from.

The 4 pages were a home page - displaying trending, categorical, and top rated web store suggestions for users based on activity and preferences, a collections page - allowing users to create libraries of items spanning across different web stores, a profile page - allowing users to see their review history and impact, and a message board - allowing users to have conversations about web store related topics while staying within the Peep app.


StubHub Connect


Peaking Hill Ski Resort